W ten słoneczny wtorkowy poranek po kilku problemach z wypożyczeniem samochodu w końcu udajemy się w drogę do raju. Przed nami wymagająca trasa o której tylko słyszeliśmy. Wsiadamy w naszego jeepa, zapinamy pasy i... Jedziemy! Po drodze przerwa w tawernie, ostatnie gryzy kanapki, ostatnie łyki zimnej wody. Zamykamy drzwi i opuszczamy asfaltowe drogi. Przed nami nieregularna, kamienista górska dróżka. Mijamy wysokie góry z lewej strony i bezkresne morze z prawej. Na drodze staje nam stadko kóz. W końcu docieramy do parkingu, tam hippis wymachuje rękami krzycząc "donkey here no, too hard for donkey!". Efharisto i idziemy dalej. I po kilkunastu minutach marszu wreszcie docieramy do raju. A oto, co zobaczyliśmy...
In this sunny, Thuesday morning after a few problems with renting a car we finally set off for the way to heaven. There is a demanding route which we only have heard about. We take into our jeep, fasten our seatbelts and... Go! During the way we make a stop in tavern. Last bites of sandwich, last nips of cold water. We close the car's door and leave asphalt routs. There is irregular, stony path. We're passing by high mountains on our left and tractless sea on the right. We must stop for a while because of a beavy of goats. Finally we get to the parking, where hippie is brandishing his arms and screaming "donkey here no, too hard for donkey". Efharisto and we keep on going. After a few minutes we get through the heaven. And that is what we saw...

In this sunny, Thuesday morning after a few problems with renting a car we finally set off for the way to heaven. There is a demanding route which we only have heard about. We take into our jeep, fasten our seatbelts and... Go! During the way we make a stop in tavern. Last bites of sandwich, last nips of cold water. We close the car's door and leave asphalt routs. There is irregular, stony path. We're passing by high mountains on our left and tractless sea on the right. We must stop for a while because of a beavy of goats. Finally we get to the parking, where hippie is brandishing his arms and screaming "donkey here no, too hard for donkey". Efharisto and we keep on going. After a few minutes we get through the heaven. And that is what we saw...